Five Hours of Wandering in Valparaiso


In the past three years, I’ve spent less than 24 hours in Valparaiso, so I don’t really know what you should eat or see or do, I just know that this place has a strange effect on me. I’m not one for cities, but I make exceptions for cities that are built on hills, specifically ones that make me consider quitting mountain biking and starting up a career in parkour.I’m especially intrigued if there are secret alleyways and narrow stairways that lead you around in infinite loops. Valparaiso ups the ante with fantastic empanadas, street-art and slides. Yes, slides. (Finally a city Macky can appreciate.) Continue reading

What 10 Weeks in New Zealand Costs

If you spend much time reading travel blogs (which clearly you do, since you’re here), you’ve heard this yarn before — travel doesn’t have to be expensive, anyone can do it, all you have to do is budget accordingly, step out the front door and strip off the bowlines, set sail, free yourself, etc., etc. blah blah blah. Continue reading

Leaving My Heart (And My Car) in New Zealand

If you know me, or even if you’ve just been reading this blog for awhile, you’ll know that I’m not really into staying in one place. Or, making concrete plans more than three days in advance. Usually, when I’m about to leave somewhere, I don’t have many regrets. I’m always looking forward to the next trip, the next place, whatever else is out there on the horizon. And once I travel somewhere I don’t tend to go back. In fact, I’ve never repeated an international destination. Continue reading