10 Reasons to Live in the Desert

In the past few years, I have adopted Taos, New Mexico as my second home. This is a life event that I definitely would not have been able to predict five years ago. In fact, if you had asked me my freshman year of college if I would ever live in New Mexico, I probably would have been like “lawl why would I live in the desert?” This is because, as a rule, people who grow up in the Midwest and attend stuffy East Coast colleges tend to misunderstand the desert. We think it’s hot and flat and totally barren, not to mention home to scary things like rattlesnakes and scorpions. Continue reading

#fauxtogram | Phoenix, Arizona

The past week’s itinerary: Monterey, CA to Laguna, CA to Death Valley to Phoenix, AZ to Albuquerque, NM and now, finally, to Taos. Exhaustion, long hours in the car and a sinus infection. Life on the road. You can look forward to photos of deserts and mountains and snow, but for now, a saguaro cactus, outside of Phoenix. Continue reading