Dollah Dollah Bill Ya’ll — A Treatise on Spending Money in Argentina

I’ve been meaning to write a post about money in Argentina for awhile but things keep getting in the way. And then about a week and a half ago I had an unpleasant experience that wiped everything else from my mind–I remembered that I’m actually in school. I know, I know, I thought I was just here to ride my bike and try to figure out the bus system (which by the way IS a full time job). But no, academics poked up its ugly head and tried to ruin my carefree Argentina existence. But, don’t worry, now that I’ve crammed half of a semester’s worth of work into five days and survived my first set of parciales, I can go back to getting on the wrong busses and writing the occasional blog post. Phew. I know you’re all relieved. Continue reading