A Letter to Myself for 2017


Dear self,

I wrote you a letter last year at this time — do you remember that? Are you wriggling uncomfortably in your seat now, because you are remembering and thinking that probably you did not do all the things?

Well, you’re right, you didn’t do all the things, but you did okay. You still can’t do that yoga chataranga thing, but you’ve gotten pretty good on the slackline and that’s awesome. And your bunny hops are definitely better. And you went to three EWS races and did not once cry during the pre ride because you were getting in someone’s way. Maybe you cried for other reasons, but not because you felt like you didn’t have a right to be there — and that’s progress.

Actually, you did better than okay. You didn’t know what 2016 was going to throw at you — if you did, maybe you would have written a different list. But that’s the beauty of not knowing, isn’t it? We make goals, and as life tears them down, we just try to stand through the storm.

So now, it’s a new year, and a new list. Here are your tasks for 2017 —

Remember that bike racing is a privilege. Remember that bike racing is a gift.

Remember that you don’t have to do any of this. You have a choice. You always have a choice.

Remember that even though this year was hard, it was fun, too.

Keep meditating. This will be easy since we all know you have a crush on Andy from Headspace. Yeah, it’s that obvious.

Find the flow. Not all the time, because that’s asking a lot, because sometimes there just is no flow to be found, and sometimes you’ll be racing and thinking about what you’re going to have for dinner or about how someone commented on your instagram in Indonesian and said your face was crooked and you really shouldn’t have bothered google translating it, because now you’re annoyed and really WHO CARES what random-indonesian-dude-on Instagram thinks about your face. But other days there will be flow and you will pluck it out of the air so easily you will wonder why it is you can’t find it all the time and you will feel as light as a handful of puffy cloud floating down the trail and it will be glorious.

Stop using your desktop as a dumping ground for everything you save on your computer. Seriously, stop it.

Say no to things/projects you don’t want to do.

Say yes to things/projects you actually do want to do.

Keep getting stronger. Lift heavier shit.

Listen to your body’s pain signals and don’t be an asshole to your knees.

Take more photos.

Actually do a handstand so you can be cool on Instagram.

Celebrate the things that go right, even on the days when a lot of other things don’t go right.

Give yourself time to rebuild your confidence after this past year. Rushing won’t help.

Cook things that aren’t burritos or pasta at least once a week.

Remember that you don’t deserve results, you work for them. Remember that you don’t deserve sponsorship, you work for it.

Show the fuck up, and everything else is bonus.

Remember that you’re tough enough, and you have nothing to prove.

Train your heart out, but remember that no matter how much you train, no matter how you try to set yourself up for success, you can’t control everything that happens. And that is okay.

Keep doing your thing.

And if all else fails, just say fuck it and have fun.



2014 in the Rear-View Mirror [Vlog]


It’s been a great year, and judging by the first three days of 2015, this year is going to be one to match. But before we go charging on to new things, new resolutions and goals, we need to process 2014, this crazy-wonderful-psychotic-up-and-down-awesome year. Let me tell you, summarizing this year in one blog post was not exactly an easy task. But here we go.

2014 by the numbers

5 continents (although, technically speaking we only spent the last 2 hours of 2014 in Asia)

7 countries (8 if you count the 35 minutes I spent sprinting through the Beijing airport on New Years Eve)

16 states and 1 canadian province

9 bike races with 22 days of racing

10,000 miles driven, in 6 different vehicles

1 brush with flesh-eating bacteria


7 stitches in my face

innumerable bruises, cuts and scrapes

3,197.1 miles ridden (according to Macky’s strava, WHAT.)

364 hours of riding

70+ nights spent sleeping outside

1 bout of mid-race food poisoning and 1 resulting bumpy ride in the back of a police truck


not nearly enough showers

5 different phone cards

1 trip to Machu Picchu

countless amazing friends and family members (old and new) who fed us and let us sleep on their floors and couches

far too much Italian pistachio gelato to admit on the internet

1 missed flight (and several more close calls)


365 days of adventure and making it up on the fly

so, so, so many new friends scattered all over the world

2014 highlight reel style

Sleeping in the back of our 1995 toyota corolla in New Zealand, the door propped open with sticks because our legs are too long, getting eaten alive by sandflies, making sandwiches on beaches with black sand and turquoise water, discovering the wonders of New Zealand’s “tuna in sweet chilli sauce” and wondering a) why we don’t have this in the US and b) why Kiwis can’t spell chile.


Staying with great friends in Santiago, Chile, teaching four-year-old Amaya to ride a bike, long bike rides ending in late night asados with obscene amounts of greasy meat and strong piscolas.


Slipping and sliding our way down a Peruvian mountain for Inca Avalance — starting at 16,000 feet and ending at 9,000. Spending our evenings in the hostel courtyard drinking cheap beer and eating pollo a las brasas.


A Colorado summer, cold nights, mild concern about bears, campfires, using creeks as a refrigerator, good friends, bike races and hours spent lounging in the van


British columbia rain, aka “how to get everything you own moldy in ten days,” big ferns, long days spent riding the world’s best trails, one flooding tent with moats built at 11 pm


and many, many more…

2014 dedications

Last week Macky and I tried to send out postcards to everyone who helped us out this year. Let’s just say we ran out of stamps. We are so, so, so grateful to everyone who helped make this year possible. To our sponsors, for hooking us up with the sweetest gear and for believing in our dreams, to our parents for feeding us for several months out of the year and never asking “do you have a real job yet?,” and to all the friends and relatives, near and far, who housed us, fed us, let us ship packages to their houses and use their laundry facilities and showers and when we were in dire need. We are some seriously lucky people. Thank you for being amazing, and helping make our 2014 amazing. We love you all.

HAPPY 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
