Rob Roy Glacier: A Hike for People Who Hate Hiking


Unpopular opinion alert: I hate hiking.

Okay, lies, I don’t REALLY hate hiking. God knows I do enough of it to have a whole “hiking” section on this blog.

I just don’t like it as much as I like mountain biking. And I have horrible, horrible feet that ache if I wear anything other than Crocs. (Which, by the way, SHRINK when you leave them in the sun. So now I’m stuck in New Zealand with NO SHOES THAT FIT. Sorry, tangent, but seriously, Crocs, what’s up with that?!?)

I also get blisters if there’s so much as a grain of salt in my shoes. And my shoulders hurt if I carry a backpack. And I never, ever bring enough food. I’m basically the prima donna of the hiking world.


But I do it anyway, because (and this is basically the only reason) there are some places where you aren’t allowed to ride your bike. God, I hate rules. And also, even though I love mountain biking to death, it just really isn’t the best way to take in the scenery. If you’re sight-seeing on your bike, you’re liable to end up IN the scenery.


We almost didn’t do this hike. It was a gray, blustery day with “severe weather alerts” on the forecast. The road out to the Rob Roy Glacier trailhead, about 50km from Wanaka, has more than five creek crossings. According to a flyer at the Park Service office, the drive shouldn’t be attempted in foul weather. Seeing as Medium Red is SO not up to crossing raging rivers, we consulted with the park ranger on duty. He was unfazed. “Well, what’s the worst that could happen? If you get yourself stuck, you can always camp at the trailhead, ay?”

A true Kiwi answer. Game, set, match.


Of course, as usually happens when I worry about things, we had no trouble at all and all the creek crossings were dry. The wind consistently threatened to blow us off precipices and the rain came at us sideways (it always does this in New Zealand), but other than that, we had no trouble at all. And the scenery? Frankly, New Zealand never disappoints.

You can’t hate hiking when you’re standing below this:


Or on this….


Do you love hiking or hate it? Share your thoughts below!

Syd Schulz

Pro mountain biker.

Average human.

I write about bikes and life and trying to get better at both.

more here

16 thoughts on “Rob Roy Glacier: A Hike for People Who Hate Hiking

  1. It is too bad you hate hiking. I love hiking and climbing. It is just so much better than being in cities when I travel. I also did this hike and enjoyed it. I really need to blog about my trip to New Zealand one of these days :)

  2. I’m glad you don’t >>really<< hate it. So you left out the important part: is the glacier named after the drink or the drink after the glacier?

    (Very nice spot, by the way.)

  3. Funny, mountain biking actually terrifies the living daylights out of me. My feet are really sensitive to blisters and all that stuff, too, which can definitely put a damper on hiking, but you’re right, it’s totally worth it!

    Beautiful scenery, and I’m glad you enjoyed it :)

  4. I’m not a big fan of hiking either, but the views are usually so worth it. I just need someone to kick my butt into high gear and I’ll go. I use to love it as a kid. I think I just got lazy and would just prefer to be stuffing my face with cupcakes or something equally as delish. That last photo is fantastic. Totally worth the hike.

  5. Well, I adore hiking and I still do all of those Prima Donna things ;P. Also, this: “Of course, as usually happens when I worry about things, we had no trouble at all…” Solidarity, sister! Great post, superb photos.

  6. Girl, you aint seen the pri maddona go hiking until you come with me. I see your blisters, distaste for a backpack, and need for food as raise you with being lazy… to even walk up more than a 1 inch incline. Although, this looks so stunning and its really making me want to go and see it for myself.

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