13 Things from 2013

Some people complain that I am hard to keep track of. Hopefully this will help clear things up. Read this post and then we’ll be all caught up for 2013 and I can stop talking about myself (just kidding, I run a blog, that’s not going to happen).

Here are 13 things that happened in 2013:

1I lived in three US states and visited 14. Consequently, all my worldly possessions fit into the back of a Chevy Aveo (plus one closet at my parents’ house but shhhh we don’t talk about that).


2 I learned that I am incapable of sitting still or staying anywhere for longer than a few months (see #1 and the name of this blog).

3 For all of these adventures, I had the best travel partner possible, the unflappable Macky Franklin. Dear Macky, life with you is never boring and for that I will always love you.


4In February, we tried to road trip across the United States but our car broke down in Missouri. We spent three days in Kansas City, junked the car for 500 dollars, rented a Jeep and kept going.


5In May, I finished my undergraduate major in Environmental Studies and History at Middlebury College in Vermont.

6 I immediately flew across the country and spent an awesome week in Moab mountain biking with the kids from Team FITaos. Moab became my new favorite place. Then I spent a week of epic riding in Crested Butte and CB became my favorite place. Damnit, southwest, why you make this so hard.


7 Macky and I traveled around the country for the rest of the summer and only paid for one night of accommodation. We have really kick-ass friends all over the place. You know who you are and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. We love you and there will always be space for you in our tent. Or not. But we still love you!

8I caught up with my generation and got a smartphone. It is weird and I still don’t know how to use it. Ditto Twitter. I win “worst twenty-something of the year” award.

9Starting in September, we lived in California for four months. Highlights included seeing lots of cool marine wildlife (like sea lions, egrets, harbor seals, dolphins and HUMPBACK WHALES), hiking in Big Sur, marveling at the world’s tallest trees and watching the sunrise in Death Valley. Lowlights included every single driving experience.



10In December, I officially finished my undergraduate degree with a certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA.

11 Somewhere in all this craziness, I wrote a book.

12 Then, because that was fun, I decided to be a writer and not get a “real job.”

13 So I started this blog. And here we are.


So I guess, even though I feel like I spent most of 2013 in a classroom or with my face glued to a computer screen, it was a pretty eventful year. Here’s to an even more exciting 2014! Cheers and Happy New Year!

Syd Schulz

Pro mountain biker.

Average human.

I write about bikes and life and trying to get better at both.

more here

21 thoughts on “13 Things from 2013

  1. Yes, yes, lovely year full of adventure and mechanical mayhem, but what is this book you speak of? I usually have to sweat and curse for a measly sentence, so a book seems an incredible feat. Also, humpback whales are amazing. Good luck in 2014! See you in the NYT Best-seller lists!

    • The book so far exists only on my computer (and a few hard drives, nobody freak out). Working on the tedious agent search now. I’ll let you know if it ever sees the light of day :)

  2. That mountain biking picture is fabulous! I wish I was more into biking because I bet the views and scenery is awesome. Congratulations on graduating college! An exciting year! :)

  3. You Rock! I see a road trip in the states on our bucket list! I am really suppose to write a book too but I don’t see that happening! Can’t wait for yours to be live!

  4. That sounds like a great year! As for the lack of smartphone experience, it’s probably a good thing since that means you are too busy exploring to have the time to learn how to use it :) Enjoy New Zealand and looking forward to your adventures there!

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