Culture Shock and First Impressions from New Zealand

I recently read a travel blog where the blogger professed to never have experienced culture shock. Seriously? — how can you be a travel blogger and avoid culture shock? Maybe I have a very loose definition of the phenomenon but I’m pretty sure I’ve felt it in California. In fact, to a certain extent, I think I enjoy experiencing a little bit of culture shock here and there–I love noticing the little differences in how people interact, talk, eat, sleep, etc. Continue reading

California Culture Shock

Greetings, from the real world. Or California, which is maybe not exactly real world. I haven’t quite finished college yet, in case you were wondering, but I’ll spare you the details of my haphazard degree plan here (you can ask my parents all about it, I’m sure they’d be thrilled). Brief Summary: I have relocated to beautiful Monterey, California and I now shop for my own food, clean my own bathroom and enjoy the myriad benefits of living outside the college housing bubble (CSA produce, swimming in the ocean, setting off the fire alarm whenever I please, to name a few). Continue reading