An Intimate Portrait of Life as a Sea Lion in Monterey Bay

So, if you’re like me, you’re probably curious what it’s like to be a sea lion. Or maybe you’re not, but whatever, this is my blog. And while I don’t have any first hand knowledge on this topic, I have been conducting some pseudoscientific observations. This might sound impressive, but it’s really not because the sea lions in Monterey have got to be some of the world’s most tourist friendly wildlife. Continue reading

Exorcise Your Demons (with a healthy dose of Norcal surf)

In the past two years, I have jumped into freezing cold water in six states, three countries and on two continents. (The number of states would be higher if I had managed to find any water colder than boiling in Wisconsin, Ohio or Pennsylvania this summer.) Sometimes I was not in the mood to jump in freezing cold water. Sometimes I thought it was an absolutely terrible idea. But always I did it. And, you know what? I haven’t regretted it yet. Continue reading

California Culture Shock

Greetings, from the real world. Or California, which is maybe not exactly real world. I haven’t quite finished college yet, in case you were wondering, but I’ll spare you the details of my haphazard degree plan here (you can ask my parents all about it, I’m sure they’d be thrilled). Brief Summary: I have relocated to beautiful Monterey, California and I now shop for my own food, clean my own bathroom and enjoy the myriad benefits of living outside the college housing bubble (CSA produce, swimming in the ocean, setting off the fire alarm whenever I please, to name a few). Continue reading

Broke Down in Missouri (Part 3)

I know it took me forever to post this but suspense is everything in this biz.

So where were we? Oh yeah, middle o’ nowhere Colorado with no car, no money, and the flu. If this doesn’t sound familiar read this and this. We spent the night at a certifiably sketchy motel in Limon, Colorado. I remember very little of Limon except that it is pronounced like “lime-in” and you can buy Frisbees shaped like cow-pies. Continue reading

Broke Down in Missouri (Part 2)

Our mechanic at the Firestone was a boy named Noel. He might have been twenty but probably not. He had a wispy goatee and was prone to sighing and excessive blinking. When he opened his mouth, strings of saliva connected his top teeth to his bottom and he stumbled on his words. He also couldn’t fix the car. Continue reading

Broke Down in Missouri (Part 1)

The funny part was when the muffler fell off somewhere on I-70 in Indiana during a snow storm. It was one of those snow storms where everything is grey–the ground, the sky, the air. I was driving, because, as it would turn out, everything bad happened while I was driving. And it was funny because crawling under your car in a slush puddle on the side of a major interstate is one of two things and funny is preferable. Continue reading